Do you see this building? Well take a good look at it because, I won't be talking about it or seeing it again for a long, long time. Do you know why ????
BECAUSE TODAY IS THE LAST DAY OUR ANTHONY WILL BE ATTENDING HIGH SCHOOL. HE IS GRADUATING !!! Whohooooo... This has got to be one of the happiest days of my life. Life as we know it changes quite a bit for us now. No more waking up at 6:00am (at least for awhile) No more driving kids to school, No more conferences, No more volunteering.
I'd like to first thank our precious and awesome GOD for this day and everyday as without him, we could have not raised Anthony they way we did. Secondly, my wonderful hubbie, who sacrificied 13yrs of his life, to raise someone else's child and then for one day to make him his.
Anthony's life has made us stronger individuals and has made us the people that we are today.
Again, thank you LORD because without you, we are nothing. Thank you for all of the trials and tribulations that you placed before us and then equipping us with your strength, courage, and wisdom to become parents overnight. We love you LORD !!!