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Caring for an orphan is at the very heart of God. It is about being a part of his plan by being obedient to him. So with great joy we are honored to be a part of of his great plan. So please join us as our Lord and Savior leads us into the arms of our precious daughter Isabella.

Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

What if you lived what you read here ?

"Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act." - Ps. 37:5

What two words are the most dangerous for a Christian to speak, pray and live? Did you read the question above? Let me ask it again, in a different way: What two words are most dangerous to moving forward on the daily Christian walk? Now, you probably have a lot of different words and thoughts running through your mind right now. Two-word "phrases" that you think might jeopardize your salvation or somehow separate you from the love of God. Stop trying - no phrase can do that.

What about other word combinations? What about feelings or responses that you think or say that seem to doubt or question God's plan, phrases like: Why me? Why now? How come? I won't. You can't. All these are difficult phrases, yes. Each one is dangerous in its own way, to be sure. But the truth is that nothing you can do can make God love you anymore or any less. Sin is a rejection of God's love, it doesn't mean that He stops loving you. Still, none of these are quite as dangerous as the phrase that stifles my Christian walk on a daily basis. While any of the aforementioned phrases can make a faith walk more difficult and render prayer time more distracted, none of the phrases are as dangerous to your daily walk as the phrase, "what if". What if . is the phrase that has spiritually and emotionally paralyzed Christians through fear since the time of Jesus, Himself. You know how it goes. What if I lose my job? What if they get sick? What if I say no? What if she finds out? What if he leaves me? The result? You don't end a relationship that you need to end; you choose it over God. You don't say what needs to be said; you fear what they'll say about you. You don't change what needs to change; you choose life's "comfort" over improvement. You don't act; you fear of others' reaction. In short, you don't trust God. And, believe me, I am including myself in this truth. We don't trust God completely.

"What if" moments reveal more than the areas we struggle with, however, they reveal the situations in which we need to run to God in prayer. We need to more proactively ask for His grace, His mercy and His strength in our lives. Stop and pray, right now, and ask God to reveal to you any areas of your life that you struggle to let go of, all those situations in which you have a hard time surrendering control to Him. If there's something you haven't done because a "what if" scenario has trapped you in fear, ask yourself this question:"What if I let God actually be God in this situation?"Of course, you don't have to take my advice."What if" you don't? Nothing will change."What if" you do? Something will change. At the very least, your heart. What if God loved you more than you love yourself? Oh wait, He does. He gave us the cross to prove it.

Bottom Line: "Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act." - Ps. 37:5

The question isn't "what if God loves me"; the question is "what if you trusted Him completely?" Oh how your life would change.

Remember these words "Lord, Come and Ruin my life and my plans"



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