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Caring for an orphan is at the very heart of God. It is about being a part of his plan by being obedient to him. So with great joy we are honored to be a part of of his great plan. So please join us as our Lord and Savior leads us into the arms of our precious daughter Isabella.

Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Friday, April 27, 2007

Thank You LORD for the assurance that You will never fail to keep Your Word. Once again, our good Lord shows us the power of prayer and the everlasting promise of his word.


I am so grateful for the children that he's placed in our lives, and also for my sister and Scott for saying yes to the children. They have totally changed my life. We are truly a blessed family, and I thank you LORD that I can recognize your constant love and blessing that you bestow us with on a daily basis.

May we live always for your Glory and Honor.
p/s: I almost forgot to say that - the reason why we know Anna Grace is finally coming home is because my sister FINALLY received our L.O.A. (Letter of Approval). All she needs now is to await for her travel approval and they will be on their way to CHINA !!!! Whohooooo....

Be Patient

Today's Scripture

"The Lord is wonderfully good to those who wait for him, to those who seek for him."(Lamentations 3:25)

Today's Word

Even when you are busy, you can choose to be patient. Nobody really likes to wait around for something to happen, especially if it's something they really want to see come to pass. But God says that people who trust in Him need to wait on Him. Waiting is hard, but here's the good part. Waiting on God is not like waiting on anyone else in your life because God never fails to keep His Word! If you're asking God for something right now or hoping that He will fulfill your dreams; just keep praying and holding on. Don't give up on God; remember, He isn't on the same timetable as you, but He will answer faithfully. Let me encourage you to be patient on a daily basis.

A Prayer

God, please continue to give me patience to wait on You—and thank You for the assurance that You will never fail to keep Your Word. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Jenn's High School Prom - 2007

So here are the pictures from Anthony's girlfriends prom. They were a total of 10 girls and 2 guys that went in the Limo. Everyone went out to dinner to the Hyatt and then went to the prom, the kids got back home around 12:30pm. They all said they had alot of fun ....

We Are Family

Romans: 12:10 "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love"

Common belief identifies members of God's family. And common affection unites them. Paul gives this relationship rule for the church: "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love." The apostle plays the wordsmith here, bookending the verse with fraternal-twin terms.

He begins with philostorgos (Philo means friendly;) (storgos means family love) and concludes with philadelphia (phileo means tender affection); (adelphia means brethen);

An awkward but accurate translation of the verse might be "Have a friend / family devotion to eachother in a friend/family sort of way. " If Paul doesn't get us with the first adjective, he catches us with the second. In both, he reminds us: the church is God's family.

You didn't pick me. I didn't pick you. You may not like me. I may no like you. But since GOD picked us and likes us both, WE ARE FAMILY !!!!! and that's why I Love You.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Patience is not for Wimps

"Be patient with everyone, but above all, be patient with yourself".

On paper, patience is an inspiring virtue, but in practice it is quite easier said than done. Patience is not simply enduring everything without complaining. At times, we need to stand up and be counted, and the virtue of patience provides the strength to do this with civility and kindness rather than through sarcasm. Patience provides us an opportunity to see beyond the moment, responding totally from our hearts. Patience knows that while others may not see it, Jesus quietly encourages it. Didn't HE say: "Come to me, for I am gentle and humble of heart? " The patience that Jesus encourages all of us to seek out is the patience that understands that momentary restraints bring lasting gifts of grace and holiness. They replace instant gratification, which quickly evaporates. Patience holds the sacred idea that change is possible, even when our sinfulness gains the upper hand. Though sometimes winding and often times frustrated, patience is a virtue, that is a straight forward path to sainthood.

Practicing patience provides us with opportunities to place our daily living in perspective, and to respond appropriately. In fact, as an added feature, it reminds us how our actions often try the patience of others.

Below are tips to practice "Patience" according to St. Francis De Sales;

1. Stop trying to be perfect, and recognize your limitations. (Don't be disturbed about your imperfections, and always have the courage to pick yourself up after a fall)

2. Accept changes in life, and see them as possibilities not problems. (Above all don't lose heart, wait and do all you can to develop a spirit of compassion)

3. Tasks take time; avoid discouragement while waiting. (Hurry up in the proper way, for good enough is soon enough)

4. See the bright side., even when slow downs happen (Boy - is this a good one for the LONG ADOPTION PROCESS THAT WERE IN) There is no better way of growing toward perfection in the spiritual life than to be always starting over again and never thinking that we have done enough)

5. Be patient with GOD, no matter the outcome, GOD is on your side. ( I have no doubt that GOD is holding on to you and me by the hand. if he allows you to stumble, it's only to let you know that if he were not holding on to your hand, you would fall. This is how he gets you to take a tighter hold of his hand)

The bottom line: "Be patient with everyone, above all with yourself"

Sowing Seeds

Today's Scripture

"This most generous God who gives seed to the farmer that becomes bread for your meals is more than extravagant with you. He gives you something you can then give away, which grows into full-formed lives, robust in God." (2 Corinthians 9:10)

Today's Word

God is faithful to reward you for the seeds of His unconditional love and unending hope that you help to sow in the lives of others. Today's verse makes the astounding promise that the more seeds you sow, the more God will increase your supply of seed so you can be an even greater blessing to those around you. The seeds of His Word and His love that you sow will produce a harvest that you will also share in. You may or may not be able to see the final harvest in your lifetime, but that's where God's promise really kicks in. His promise is not only for this life, but for your eternal life! God wants to multiply His favor and abundance on your work, your health, your relationships and your finances to meet your own needs and have an abundance to share with others.

A Prayer for Today

God, thank You for Your faithfulness to me, and Your promises of blessings. May I serve You in everything I do today so that I may be found faithful. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Covered with Christ

Colossians 3:3 (Your Life is now hidden with Christ in God)

The Chinese language has a great symbol for the truth of that verse. The word for righteousness is a combination of two pictures. On the top is a lamb. Beneath the lamb is a person. The lamb covers the person. Isin't that the essence of righteousness? The Lamb of Christ over the child of God? Whenever the father looks down on you, what does he see? He sees his son, the perfect lamb of God, hiding you.

Christians are like their ancestors Abel. We come to God by virtue of the flock. Cain came with the work of his own hands. God turned him away. Abel came, and we come, dependant upon the sacrifice of the Lamb., and we are accepted. Like the Chinese symbol, we are covered by the lamb, hidden in Christ.

When God looks at you, he doesn't see you; he sees Jesus. And how does he respond when he sees Jesus? He rends the heavens and vibrates the earth with the shout,

"You are my son, whom I love and I am very pleased with you" (Mark 1:11)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Where is God in the Midst of Tragedy?

Virginia Tech Tragedy, 911 Tragedy, War in Iraq, and the tragedies go on and on ... Some may ask, Where is God in the midst of tragedy, disaster and sadness: How can we serve a God that allows this sort of stuff to happen. Let me explain my thoughts on this.

God is the Creator of the universe who yearns for us to know Him. That is why we are all here. It is His desire that we rely on and experience His strength, love, justice, holiness and compassion. So He says to all who are willing, "Come to Me."Unlike us, God knows what will happen tomorrow, next week, next year, the next decade. He says, "I am God, and there is no one like me, declaring the end from the beginning." He knows what will happen in the world. More importantly, He knows what will occur in your life and can be there for you, if you've chosen to include Him in your life. He tells us that He can be "our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble." But we must make a sincere effort to seek Him. He says, "you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart."That doesn't mean that those who know God will escape difficult times. They won't. When a terrorist attack causes suffering and death, those who know God will be involved in that suffering also. But there is a peace and a strength that God's presence gives.

One follower of Jesus Christ put it this way: "We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed." Reality tells us that we will experience problems in life. However, if we go through them while knowing God, we can react to them with a different perspective and with a strength that is not our own. No problem has the capacity to be insurmountable to God. He is bigger than all the problems that can hit us, and we are not left alone to deal with them.

God's Word tells us, "The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him." And, "The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them."Jesus Christ told His followers these comforting words: "Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Therefore do not fear; you are of more value than many sparrows." If you truly turn to God, He will care for you as no one else does, and in a way that no one else can.

Tragedy, Disaster, Sadness: Our Free Will

God has created humanity with the ability to choose. This means that we are not forced into a relationship with Him. He allows us to reject Him and to commit other evil acts as well. He could force us to be loving. He could force us to be good. But then what kind of relationship would we have with Him? It would not be a relationship at all, but a forced, absolutely controlled obedience. Instead He gave us the human dignity of free will.
Naturally, we cry from the depths of our souls..."But God, how could You let something of this magnitude happen?"How would we want God to act? Do we want Him to control the actions of people? In the case of the Virginia Tech tragedy, what could possibly be an acceptable number of deaths for God to allow?! Would we feel better if God allowed only the murder of one or two people? Would we rather God allowed only the death of one person? Yet if God would prevent the murder of even one person, there is no longer freedom to choose. People choose to ignore God, to defy God, to go their own way and commit horrible acts against others.

Tragedy, Disaster, Sadness: Our World

This planet is not a safe place. Someone might shoot us. Or we might be hit by a car. Or we might have to jump from a building attacked by terrorists. Or any number of things that might happen to us in this harsh environment called Earth, the place where God's will is not always followed.
Yet, God is not at the mercy of people, but the other way around. We are at His mercy, fortunately. This is God who created the universe with its uncountable stars, simply by speaking the words, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky."This is God who says He "reigns over the nations." He is unlimited in power and wisdom. Though problems seem insurmountable to us, we have an incredibly capable God who reminds us, "Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh; is anything too hard for Me?"Somehow He is able to maintain the freedom of sinful humans, yet still bring about His will. God clearly says, "My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all My purpose." And we can draw comfort from that if our lives are submitted to Him. "For God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble."

Fears, Tragedy, Disaster: Where Is God Now?

Many of us--no, all of us--choose at times to stiff-arm God and His ways. Compared to others, certainly compared to a terrorist, we might consider ourselves to be respectable, loving people. But in the raw honesty of our own hearts, if we were to face God, it would be with the knowledge of our sin. As we begin to address God in prayer, are we not caught short, paused by the sense that God is well aware of our thoughts, actions and self-centeredness? We our lives and actions...distanced ourselves from God. We have often lived like we could run our lives just fine without Him. The Bible says that "We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way."The consequences? Our sin has separated us from God, and it affects more than this life. The penalty for our sin is death, or eternal separation from God. However, God has provided a way for us to be forgiven and know Him.

Inner Strength Through God's Love

God came to earth to rescue us. "For God so loved the world, that he sent his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him."
God knows the pain and suffering we encounter in this world. Jesus left the safety and security of His home, and entered the hard environment we live in. Jesus got tired, knew hunger and thirst, battled accusations from others and was ostracized by family and friends. But Jesus experienced far more than daily hardships. Jesus, the Son of God in human form, willingly took all of our sin on Himself and paid our penalty of death. "In this is love, that he laid down his life for us." He went through torture, dying a slow, humiliating death of suffocation on a cross, so that we could be forgiven. Jesus told others ahead of time that He would be crucified. He said that three days after His death He would come back to life, proving that He is God. He didn't say He would reincarnate someday. (Who would know if He actually did it?) He said three days after being buried He would show Himself physically alive to those who saw His crucifixion. On that third day, Jesus' tomb was found empty and many people testified to seeing Him alive.
He now offers us eternal life. We don't earn this. It is a gift from God offered to us, which we receive when we ask Him to enter our lives. "The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus." If we repent of our sin and turn back to God, we can have the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. It's pretty simple. "God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.

Inner Strength Through God's Plan

What about heaven? The Bible says that God has "set eternity in the hearts of men." Maybe that means we know, in our hearts, what a better world would look like. The death of people we love convinces us that there's something very wrong with this life and this world. Somewhere deep down in our souls, we know that there must be a much better place to live, free from heart-wrenching difficulties and pain. To be sure, God does have a better place He offers us. It will be a completely different system in which His will is done all the time. In this world, God will wipe every tear from people's eyes. There will be no more mourning, crying, death or pain. And God, by His Spirit, will dwell in people in such a way that they will never sin again.

The events that took place at Virginia Tech are horrific enough. Refusing an eternal relationship with God, which Jesus offers you, would be worse. Not just in light of eternal life, but there is no relationship which compares to knowing God in this life. He is our purpose in life, our source of comfort, our wisdom in confusing times, our strength and hope. "Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him."

It has been said by some that God is just a crutch. But it is likely that He is the only reliable one.
Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."For those who will rely on Jesus during their lives, He says it is like building your life on a Rock. Whatever crises attack you in this life, He can keep you strong.

Inner Strength Through God's Son

You can receive Jesus into your life right now. "To all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God." It is through Jesus Christ that we can come back to God. Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me." Jesus offered, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him."Right now you can ask God to enter your life. You can do this through prayer. Prayer means talking honestly with God. At this moment you can call out to God by telling Him something like this in sincerity:

"God, I have turned away from You in my heart, but I want to change that. I want to know You. I want to receive Jesus Christ and His forgiveness into my life. I don't want to be separated from You anymore. Be the God of my life from this day onward. Thank you God."
Have you just now sincerely asked God into your life? If you have, you have a lot to look forward to. God promises to make your present life one of greater satisfaction through knowing Him.

Where is God? He promises to make His home in you. And He gives you eternal life. No matter what happens in the world around you, God can be there for you. Though people do not follow God's ways, God is able to take horrible circumstances and bring about His plan anyway. God is ultimately in control over world events. If you are God's, then you can rest on the promise that, "All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose."Jesus Christ said, "My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled.

In the world you will have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world."He promises never to fail us or forsake us.

My prayers will be for the victims and family members involved in the Virginia Tech tragedy. Blessed be God, now and forever.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Testing God

Today's Scripture

"Bring to the storehouse a full tenth of what you earn so there will be food in my house. ‘Test me in this,’ says the Lord All-Powerful. ‘I will open the windows of heaven for you and pour out all the blessings you need.’" (Malachi 3:10)

Today's Word

When you show God that you’re trustworthy, you remove the limits of what He can do in your life. This is the way to blessing and increase. God works by laws, including the law of the tenth, or tithe. When you give to God’s work and to help others, you are helping to fill His storehouse. And notice the promise God makes to those who honor Him first. Opening the windows of heaven is about the strongest language the Bible uses to describe the extent of God’s blessing! But it starts with your response to God’s offer to test Him in this area by giving to Him first. This is one test you cannot fail, because the Almighty God will pass everyone who takes it!

A Prayer for Today

God, I’m overwhelmed by Your promise to honor me when I honor You. Give me the courage to test and prove you faithful. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Monday, April 16, 2007

The seed must Lead

Today's Scripture

"The hard-working farmer ought to be the first to receive his share of the crops."
(2 Timothy 2:6)

Today's Word

Can you imagine a farmer who just decides one year that he really doesn’t feel like planting? He tells himself he’s so tired that he is just going to wait around and hope that the harvest will come. But even people who aren’t farmers know that a farmer has to get his seeds into the ground while the time is right to plant if he ever wants to see a harvest. In farming, the seed always precedes the harvest—and that’s true in our lives as well. In other words, if you want to reap happiness, then you have to sow some seeds by making other people happy. If you want to reap financial blessings, you have to sow financially. If you want to reap friendships, you have to be a friend first. And when you do these things, you’ll be able to share in the harvest along with those you have blessed!

A Prayer for Today

God, thank You that I have the good seed of Your Word and Your love within me. Help me to sow these blessings generously in the lives of others. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

When Love Takes You In

The song and video that has been placed on Isabella's blogsite is dedicated to my nephews Kai and AJ. (please scroll down so you can see the video)

As Kai and AJ were both used to open my heart to the miracle of adoption. Every single word in this song speaks volumes from my heart to every orphan in the world.

I was so ignorant to the gift of adoption, but now I realize that the miracle of life does not begin in your tummy, it actually begins to beat in your own heart.

To my precious daugther "Isabella", I love you more than words can ever express. I can't wait until the very moment that I have you in my arms.

To my adoptive nephews, Kai and Aj, words cannot express what you mean in my life. You both have allowed me to see what happens when Love takes you in.

And last but not least, our newest addition to our family, my beautiful niece, Anna Grace. We can't wait until you come home. You will never ever again feel the pain of not being part of a forever family.

Blowing kisses in the wind to our Isabella and Anna Grace that are in China and Blowing kisses in the wind to Kai and Aj in Ft. Myers, Florida.

All of you are the treasures of my heart. Thank You for showing me the Miracle of Adoption.

I Love you, I Love you, I Love you !!!!!!

A Good Choice

Hebrews: 10:22 "Let us come near to God with a sincere heart and a sure faith".

It would have been nice if God had let us order a life like we order a meal. I'll take good health and a high IQ. I'll pass on the music skills, but give me a fast metabolism .... Would've have been nice. But it didn't happen. When it came to our life on earth, we weren't given a voice or a vote. But when it comes to life after death, you were.

In my book that seems like a good deal. Wouldn't you agree ?

Have we been given any greater privilege than that of choice ? Not only does this privilege offset any injustice, the gift of free will can offset any mistakes.

You've made some bad choices in life, haven't you? So have I. You chosen the wrong friends, maybe the wrong career, maybe even the wrong spouse. You look back over your life and say, "If only ... if only I could make up for those bad choices."

Well guess what ? You can !

One good choice for eternity offsets a thousand bad ones here on earth. Think about it.

The choice is yours.

Friday, April 13, 2007

How much does HE have to do for you to trust him ?

What could God do to get you to trust Him?

“Those passing by reviled him, shaking their heads. The revolutionaries who were crucified with him also kept abusing him in the same way.” – Matthew 27:39,

What would it take for you to change your entire life in one afternoon?What would God need to do for you to trust Him COMPLETELY?

Sometimes going “deeper” in our faith just requires looking at and watching things a little more CLOSELY. Over the years I got so used to the fact that one of the criminals was “the good thief” and the other “the bad” that I missed (or had forgotten) that when the actual crucifixion began, BOTH the criminals were mocking our Lord. How close are you to the cross? Then, as the hours wore on under the darkening skies that afternoon, another (often overlooked) miracle takes place in the midst of the torture…even in the final hours, even in almost breathless agony, another sinner’s heart is turned to our Lord. WHY this transformation? WHY the change in behavior? What was it that allowed this criminal’s heart to open, his anger to subside and his attitude to change? What “clicked”? Well, we know that the thieves were two of the people closest (in proximity) to Jesus, alongside the soldiers gambling for His clothes, the centurion, some of His persecutors, the women and a few others. It must have been mind-boggling for the thief to witness anyone so forgiving, so loving, so trusting in God at such a horrific and painful moment. It was that observance, from watching Jesus SO CLOSELY that offered the thief the confidence and humility to approach the Lord in forgiveness.

Have you ever had a personal experience of Christ like that, perhaps in His forgiveness of you? Do you remember it? Can you see Jesus THAT closely this day? Many days, I can’t or should I say, “I don’t”. How close are you to the cross? I know, it’s seems like a weird question at first, but ask yourself, “How close am I to the cross?” Have you really thought about it? Have you ever REALLY meditated upon what happened on that hill that day? Have you ever closed your eyes, pictured God’s face, and saw Him look into your eyes? Have you heard the love in His voice for those who are destroying Him? Have you heard Him call YOU by name? Have you heard Him forgive you? Do you hear Him promising you that you will not die? Can you hear Him inviting you to live forever?

It took trust on the criminal’s part, far more (in my opinion) than it should take on my part. Why do I sometimes act as though Jesus won’t respond to me with what I need…or even OUTDO what I am asking Him for, giving me even more than I requested.

Just pause and reflect; Jesus is ALWAYS quick to act when someone is in need.Think back to the woman at the well, Peter drowning in the sea, the Centurion’s servant, Jairus’ daughter, Peter’s mother-in-law, the lepers, the blind man, the woman with the hemorrhage, the demoniacs, the woman caught in adultery, Lazarus in the grave, the High Priest’s servant in the garden, the list goes on and on and on. Not only that, but Jesus goes BEYOND what we ask for, He is never outdone in generosity.

We said, “Forgive us” and He said, “I’ll do even better, I’ll adopt you”.
We said, “We’re lowly” and He said, “The lowly will be exalted”.
We said, “How do we approach God” and He said, “Not as foreign ruler but as Abba”.
We said, “Teach us how to pray” and He gave us the Our Father.
We said, “We’re hungry” and He fed us…He still does in the Eucharist.
We said, “Show us how to live” and He said, “First you must die”.
We said, “We don’t want to die” and He opened the door to eternal life.
We said, “What is love” and He said, “Watch closely” and mounted the cross.

The thief was not the only person touched or transformed by his proximity to Christ on the cross…others were that day too and every single day since then – for almost 2000 years.This day, look into His eyes, listen to His voice, and experience how much He loves you … but be sure to WATCH CLOSELY.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

God Get's into our Lives

I do not live anymore - It is Christ who lives in me; Galatians 2:20

You have leaves to rake. A steering wheel to grip. A neighbor's hand to shake. Simply put, you have things to do.

So does God. Babies need hugs. Children need good night tucks. AIDS orphans need homes. Stressed-out executives need hope. God has work to do. And he uses our hands to do it.

What the hand is to the glove, the Spirit is to the Christian .... God get's into us. At times, imperceptibly. Other times, disruptively. God get's his fingers into our lives, inch by inch reclaiming the territory that is rightfully his.

Your tongue. He claims it for his message.
Your feet. He requisitions them for his purpose.
Your mind? He made it and intends to use it for his glory.

Your eyes, face and hands? Through them HE will weep, smile and touch.

Come Thirsty !!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Meditate on the Word

Today's Scripture

"Study this Book of the Law continually. Meditate on it day and night so you may be sure to obey all that is written in it. Only then will you succeed" (Joshua 1:8)

Today's Word

To meditate on something simply means to think about it and let the meaning of it sink deep down into your heart. Meditation is a spiritual practice that's encouraged throughout the Bible. The key is to draw on God's wisdom found in the Scriptures, which are filled with the blessings and benefits of meditating on its principles. For example, meditating on God's Word will give you spiritual success. That's exactly what God told Joshua as Israel got ready to enter the Promised Land. God's definition of success in life is to know Him better. One way you can do that is to read and understand His Word. Another benefit of meditating on God's Word is that it will help you keep your heart right before Him. The Bible is like a mirror that accurately shows you where your heart really is.

A Prayer for Today

God, You have said that Your Word is living and active. Today I will spend time allowing this living Word to search my heart, and make sure I am right before You. In Jesus' Name. Amen

Monday, April 09, 2007

Prep for Prom !!! (Another Tear Jerker) Moment

So he we were - after spending half a day at Edison College with our baby boy, then we were off to the Mall to get him measured for his girlfriends upcoming prom. So many events happening in the next couple of months that are a constant reminder that our boy is transitioning into a wonderful young man.

Anthony - I love you so very much son and it's an honor to support you in these treasurable moments. You are a kind, warm-hearted young man. After a long day, my boy came up to me before he left for work gave me a big kiss and said Thanks mom for everything that you all do for me. I tell you what - that is priceless !!!!

Edison College (Charlotte Campus)

Here are some photos of Edison Community College (Charlotte Campus). I honestly fell in love with the campus. The campus is not big, which is good for Anthony, I belive the current amount of student's enrolled is about 2,200 (not alot for a college) but that's a good thing for Anthony. It's a quiet setting, or at least it seemed quiet while we were visiting. Check out the photos, let me know what you all think.

What a Day !!!!

I don't usually blog personal things about my days but I guess today I will, since it has to do with a another milestone in my son's life. Our son is on Spring Break this week - so this is the week that I chose to take care of all of those loose end situations that involve him and his future.

One of those things is the big word "College". This past Thursday, Anthony (our son) received his acceptance letter for College. He was given his online information and his student number. Yes for hubby and I this was a special moment because it was not too long ago that - our son was 4 yrs old and attending those college classes with us as his parents. Herb and I were both in College when Anthony came into our lives and we were in a situation that he had to go to our college classes with us because we had no one to watch him while we would study. So I had to take a coloring book and crayons and there sat "Anthony" coloring and sitting quietly next to us while we were in class.

This morning, we (mom and dad) found ourselves sitting in an advisor's office at Edison Community College, helping him register for his first class. (What a tear jerker of a moment). I could hardly believe that this little boy that was going to school with us, while we were students, is now registering himself as a student. Unbelievable how fast life goes by. I will attach some photos of today's college Milestone !

God's way to get strong

Today's Scripture

"I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become." (2 Corinthians 12:10)

Today's Word

The secret to staying strong in your faith is really no secret at all. You just have to live in the strength that God provides, not your own! When you feel you are at your weakest, that is when you must exercise your faith the hardest. When you physically grow, there are growing pains, and the same is true spiritually. As you continue to stretch and work out your faith, it will get easier. God will bring you supernatural opportunities. He will open doors for you so that you can express your faith in a greater way. That's how you continue to grow. God does this sometimes to prove to His followers that it is really Him who strengthens His servants to do good work. Fight off your weakness by doing some strength conditioning in your faith!

A Prayer for Today

God, thank You for giving me Your strength for whatever comes my way. Help me to continue stretching my faith and growing spiritually stronger. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter in a secular world !!!!! Hmmm

I recently heard someone ranting about how commercialized Easter has become and how there is "no trace of Christ" left in His holiday. I understood the person's concerns and agreed, in part, with their assertions. The more I got to thinking about it, though, I felt like their thoughts, while valid, were a little bit short–sighted.Christ is everywhere. His death and resurrection are everywhere. We just need to know where to look and how to uncover them.

If your focus is on Christ and your heart set on His love, you can take almost anything the world dishes out and point it back to the message of the cross, THE message of love and freedom.

Take, for instance, the staples of a secular Easter celebration:
Bunny rabbits hopping around
Boiling, Painting and hiding eggs
The Easter baskets with fake grass
Chocolate bunnies and candy
You get the idea...

Now, we know these are counterfeit interpretations of the true meaning of Easter. It's not like any of these have anything to do, really, with the Christ rising from the dead, right?
What if we look a little harder, however what if we open our minds up a little bit more, to make some less obvious associations between the items above the Gospel message?
Only God's opinion matters – that's an Easter message.

You don't have to read statistics to know what the sexual culture is on most college (and high school) campuses across our country. Young adults are mating like rabbits, hopping from broken "relationship" to broken "relationship", from bed to bed, in search of a forever love that only the risen Christ can give. Your body is designed by God. It is a gift from God. Live chastity – that's an Easter message.

Many people have become hardened like boiled eggs because when they find themselves in hot water situations they form a shell around their heart rather than letting God crack them. Your heart was created by God. It is a gift from God. Only He can fill it –
that's an Easter message.

Many people paint themselves a "different color" than that who they truly are or are called to be. Virtual realities like "My Space" have become a cult phenomenon where many young people can create the persona they most want to be or that they most want others to see, afraid to show their true selves, a slave to culture and public opinion. Christ died because of public opinion. He rose because of Divine design. It doesn't matter what the world says or thinks, only what God thinks. You are unique, created by God. Only God's opinions matters –
that's an Easter message.

Many people hide themselves (like eggs). They want to "stand out" in culture but not to "stick out". They hide those beautifully unique parts of themselves that others might not accept. Others hide the messy areas of their lives, their sins, in fear that God won't forgive, accept or love them. Christ came for sinners, not for the righteous (Mt 9:13). Christ came to expose everything in His light. He is bigger than your sin and is setting you apart (holy = to set apart). Only God loves you perfectly –
that's an Easter message.

Many people are putting all their eggs in one basket, praying for fame or fortune and promising, once they have it, to then use it to point back to God. God doesn't work that way. The cross teaches us that to become great you must become weak, to be the most' you must become the least'. Not the other way around. Stardom is not a tool to evangelize people; holiness is the tool. Famous people who do lead others to God are to be commended, yes, but fame is not the goal. Sanctity is the goal. If it's about the fame, your life will be as fleeting and useless as that fake grass in the basket holding all the eggs. You were created to put your faith (eggs) in God's basket. Trust the Lord (Prov. 3:5–6). Only God's plan for you will make you happy –

that's an Easter message.

Many people want to be seen as attractive, pleasing and alluring. They want to be the center of attention, the goal of others' pursuits and the most sought after of all. They are a lot like those chocolate bunnies that people love so much. Of course, we all know that too much of those makes you sick, gives you acne, clog your arteries, can induce a sugar coma and ruin your diet and appetite. Not to mention, most of them are hollow. Christ did not come for us to be more attractive on the outside, for God cares more about our "insides" (1 Sam 16:7). It ain't about the wrapper or the sugar, it's about the substance. You are not a hollow shell if Christ is at the center of your life. Only God's life will fill you (and others) up – that's an Easter message.

So, maybe Christ is more present in secularized notions of Easter than I thought upon first glance. In fact, when I take a deeper look I not only see Christ more clearly in those situations but I see how desperately this culture is in need of Him, and how urgently we, who seek to know and love Christ, need to become more like Him everyday.

The answer is not in eliminating the secular images from the spiritual meanings. The answer is in showing the need for the spiritual within the secular, to shed light on all that culture deems "Easter" by loving them into a greater understanding of what Easter is really about – death to this world and life in the next.

The meaning of Easter

To the world it means the perfect plan of salvation has been provided ...

"I declare unto you the Gospel ... that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; and that he was buried, and that He was raised to life three days laster, as written in the Scriptures" 1 Corinthians 15:1-4

"But God has shown us how much he loves us - it was while we were still sinners that Christ died for us". Romans 5:8

To God it means that He is satisfied with the work of his Son ...

" For Christ died for sins once and for all, a good man on behalf of sinners, in order to lead you to God. He was put to death physically, but made alive spiritually". 1 Peter 3:18

To the believer it is the promise of everlasting life ...

Jesus promises, Because I live, you shall live also." John 14:19

"Those who hear my words and believe in him who sent me have eternal life. They will not be judged, but have already passed from death to life". John 5:24

To you it is a challenge to believe ....

"Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me will live, even though they die". John 11:25

"If you confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised him from death, you will be saved" Romans 10:9

You can know the true meaning of Easter in you life today by taking these steps:

1. Recognize that without Christ you are seperated from God. In honest repentance admit your need to be saved. "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23)

2. Realize that God loves you, and believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that who ever believes in him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16)

3. Receive the risen Christ into your life by faith, and trust him as your savior: "Some however, did receive him and believed in him; so he gave them the right to become God's children" (John 1:12)

Have a Happy Resurrection Day !!!!!!

Happy Easter

Sunday, April 8th, 2007: Easter

Did you look at the newspaper today? Did you see the good news? Oops. Wrong place to look for the Good News. The real Good News is in today's Gospel. It is now the third day since Jesus was crucified and died. Yet today we get to look through the crucifixion to resurrection! Yep, He did it. He overcame death and rose from the dead. Jesus is risen! Alleluia! That's not just good news, that's great news. Incredible news. Unbelievable news! Only God could pull this off. I guess that means it's not unbelievable, but rather gives us a reason to believe in this awesome God of ours. Today, may we celebrate the greatest victory of all-time! Happy Easter!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Holy Saturday

Holy Week: Holy Week is upon us. It's so easy to let this week zip by as if it did not happen. Use the Reflections below to help guide you through this week. Make a commitment: make it the best week of your life.

Saturday, April 7th, 2007: Holy Saturday

Three days. He laid in a tomb for three days. What can you do in three days? You can't build a house, but you can fly to the other side of the world. You can't conceive life and have a child, but you can celebrate a birthday or wedding. I guess there are lots of things you can do and some you can't. But look what God did in three days. He looked death straight in the eye and beat it! He overcame the one thing that none of us can ever beat. He took what was thought to be impossible and made it the cornerstone of our faith. We could take our whole life and we still wouldn't be able to overcome death. Yet he did it in three days. As we continue through this time that he laid in the tomb, may we keep watch for tomorrow morning when Jesus will be victorious and do more than we ever could… in just three days!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday

Holy Week: Holy Week is upon us. It's so easy to let this week zip by as if it did not happen. Use the Reflections below to help guide you through this week. Make a commitment: make it the best week of your life.

Friday, April 6th, 2007: Good Friday

Today is Good Friday. The day our Lord Jesus was crucified. The day when the innocent and spotless lamb was slaughtered for our sins. So let me propose just one question to you…

How much does Jesus love you? He gave you the answer. "This much," as he stretched out his arms on the cross… and died. For you.

That's how much he loves you. Think about it

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Holy Thursday

Holy Week: Holy Week is upon us. It's so easy to let this week zip by as if it did not happen. Use the Reflections below to help guide you through this week. Make a commitment: make it the best week of your life.

Thursday, April 5th, 2007: Holy Thursday

Have you ever received a gift that you didn't even realize how valuable it was until a while after you got it? Later on you found out it was worth a ton. Well, I would bet that for many of us, we have had the same experience with the gift of the Eucharist. When we receive our first Holy Communion, we dress up all pretty, the whole family comes to town to witnesses the event, yet we really don't understand the incredible gift we just received. And for most of us we go through much of our life not realizing how valuable the gift is for years. Think about how absolutely incredible the Eucharist is. We are talking about the all-powerful, all-knowing God who created all, and who desires to be with us so much that he physically comes into our own body through the Eucharist. We don't have to imagine the Lord coming into our heart; he actually does it physically. So tonight, as we celebrate the Mass of the Last Supper, may we begin to understand the valuable gift God gave us in his own body and blood.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Wednesday - Holy Week

Holy Week: Holy Week is upon us. It's so easy to let this week zip by as if it did not happen. Use the Reflections below to help guide you through this week. Make a commitment: make it the best week of your life.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

"The Lord God is my help, therefore, I am not disgraced" (Isaiah 50:4). Ever get into a situation where you feel absolutely humiliated? Maybe it was something you did, something someone said about you, or your eyes were opened to something that you are ashamed. Whatever the case, you come to a point of feeling disgraced. Many times it is undeserving. What do you do? Many of us go to being shamed. But what we are reminded of in today's first reading is that the Lord is there with you and so you shouldn't take on the shame and disgrace. We need to focus on the fact that God is our help, not the feelings of shame.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Holy Week: Holy Week is upon us. It's so easy to let this week zip by as if it did not happen. Use the Reflections below to help guide you through this week. Make a commitment: make it the best week of your life.

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2007

Today's Gospel (John 13) speaks of Jesus telling the apostles that one will betray him and Peter will deny him. I find myself reading it saying "I can't believe those guys would betray or deny him. If I would have been there, I wouldn't have done that." Sure, a lot easier said than done. The truth is, if I just look at my daily life, I fall short and deny him a lot. I am a sinner. I don't want to be, but in my weakness I sin. As a Christian, we need to understand that although we may deny our Lord, we must come back to him on our knees begging for his mercy. And the beautiful thing about God is that he is so loving that he desires to give us his mercy. So my brother or sister, go back to him today, and ask him to have mercy on you. Then cling to him.

Your source of Wisdom

Today's Scripture

"I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on your statutes." (Psalm 119:99)

Today's Word

Meditating on God's Word will give you insights and wisdom to guide you at every turn in life. There is supernatural wisdom that comes from meditating on Scripture— allowing it to sink down deep into your mind and heart. It will strengthen you, guide you and give you hope and victory in every situation. Meditating on Scripture will also help you fill your mind with the things of God. The Bible urges God's people to fix their thoughts on what is true and good and right, to think about those things that are lovely and uplifting. And most of all, God wants you to think about all the reasons you have to praise and thank Him. Since a person can only think about one thing at a time, meditating on God's love and goodness leaves no room for wrong thinking.

A Prayer for Today

God, help me today to begin developing the good habit of meditating on Your Word each day. Please help me block out those things that would keep me from thinking about and praising You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.