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Caring for an orphan is at the very heart of God. It is about being a part of his plan by being obedient to him. So with great joy we are honored to be a part of of his great plan. So please join us as our Lord and Savior leads us into the arms of our precious daughter Isabella.

Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Secular Easter

Finding Christ in a Secular Easter - I recently heard someone ranting about how commercialized Easter has become and how there is "no trace of Christ" left in His holiday. I understood the person's concerns and agreed, in part, with their assertions. The more I got to thinking about it, though, I felt like their thoughts, while valid, were a little bit short–sighted. Christ is everywhere. His death and resurrection are everywhere. We just need to know where to look and how to uncover them. If your focus is on Christ and your heart set on His love, you can take almost anything the world dishes out and point it back to the message of the cross, THE message of love and freedom.

Take, for instance, the staples of a secular Easter celebration:
Bunny rabbits hopping around Boiling, Painting and hiding eggs The Easter baskets with fake grass Chocolate bunnies and candy You get the idea... Now, we know these are counterfeit interpretations of the true meaning of Easter. It's not like any of these have anything to do, really, with the Christ rising from the dead, right?

What if we look a little harder, however what if we open our minds up a little bit more, to make some less obvious associations between the items above the Gospel message?

Only God's opinion matters – that's an Easter message.

You don't have to read statistics to know what the sexual culture is on most college (and high school) campuses across our country. Young adults are mating like rabbits, hopping from broken "relationship" to broken "relationship", from bed to bed, in search of a forever love that only the risen Christ can give. Your body is designed by God. It is a gift from God. Live chastity – that's an Easter message.

Many people have become hardened like boiled eggs because when they find themselves in hot water situations they form a shell around their heart rather than letting God crack them. Your heart was created by God. It is a gift from God. Only He can fill it – that's an Easter message.

Many people paint themselves a "different color" than that who they truly are or are called to be. Virtual realities like "My Space" have become a cult phenomenon where many young people can create the persona they most want to be or that they most want others to see, afraid to show their true selves, a slave to culture and public opinion. Christ died because of public opinion. He rose because of Divine design. It doesn't matter what the world says or thinks, only what God thinks. You are unique, created by God. Only God's opinions matters – that's an Easter message.

Many people hide themselves (like eggs). They want to "stand out" in culture but not to "stick out". They hide those beautifully unique parts of themselves that others might not accept. Others hide the messy areas of their lives, their sins, in fear that God won't forgive, accept or love them. Christ came for sinners, not for the righteous (Mt 9:13). Christ came to expose everything in His light. He is bigger than your sin and is setting you apart (holy = to set apart). Only God loves you perfectly – that's an Easter message.

This guy will try to steal your wallet. Many people are putting all their eggs in one basket, praying for fame or fortune and promising, once they have it, to then use it to point back to God. God doesn't work that way. The cross teaches us that to become great you must become weak, to be the most' you must become the least'. Not the other way around. Stardom is not a tool to evangelize people; holiness is the tool. Famous people who do lead others to God are to be commended, yes, but fame is not the goal. Sanctity is the goal. If it's about the fame, your life will be as fleeting and useless as that fake grass in the basket holding all the eggs. You were created to put your faith (eggs) in God's basket. Trust the Lord (Prov. 3:5–6). Only God's plan for you will make you happy – that's an Easter message.

Many people want to be seen as attractive, pleasing and alluring. They want to be the center of attention, the goal of others' pursuits and the most sought after of all. They are a lot like those chocolate bunnies that people love so much. Of course, we all know that too much of those makes you sick, gives you acne, clog your arteries, can induce a sugar coma and ruin your diet and appetite. Not to mention, most of them are hollow. Christ did not come for us to be more attractive on the outside, for God cares more about our "insides" (1 Sam 16:7). It ain't about the wrapper or the sugar, it's about the substance. You are not a hollow shell if Christ is at the center of your life. Only God's life will fill you (and others) up – that's an Easter message.

So, maybe Christ is more present in secularized notions of Easter than I thought upon first glance. In fact, when I take a deeper look I not only see Christ more clearly in those situations but I see how desperately this culture is in need of Him, and how urgently we, who seek to know and love Christ, need to become more like Him everyday. The answer is not in eliminating the secular images from the spiritual meanings. The answer is in showing the need for the spiritual within the secular, to shed light on all that culture deems "Easter" by loving them into a greater understanding of what Easter is really about – death to this world and life in the next.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Resurrection Day

We Love You Jesus !!! Thank You for Being our Hero.

Holy Saturday

Does God dwell inside of you?

"They found the stone rolled away from the tomb; but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus". - Luke 24:2-3

Does God dwell inside of you? Do you think that God is within you? So, they laid Jesus in the tomb, and rolled a stone in front of it. What was the tomb like? What did it smell like? Think about the tomb...what an amazing place it must be. The tomb went from being this dark place, a place of death, surrounded by stone...into being a place of life, of rebirth...a place to start over. Opened, the tomb allowed the sunlight in and the Son Light out. That's how it is with our heart.

Our heart can be like the tomb that held Christ. God breathes life into us, we are born and baptized, and Christ dwells within our hearts. For many of us, however, who either don't 'know' Jesus, don't want to follow Him yet, or who are 'afraid' to follow Him or trust in Him completely, our hearts become the tomb of Holy Saturday instead of the tomb of Easter Sunday.
As life changes, so do our priorities. Most go to High School or college, and then begin working, and slowly many of us become blinded. We forget (or pretend to forget) what's most important...we think more about ourselves than others, or believe that we can't 'have fun' or 'live life' and still be Christian. Being rich, being 'seen', being in the 'right group', the 'right zip code', having the 'right brand' or the 'right car' or 'the right job' begin to take priority over God and our relationship with Him. We become hardened by the world and don't even know hardened, that our hearts become like stone, not allowing the Light in or out.

The world would rather KEEP Christ in that tomb, in the darkness. If Christ stays in there, than people can just continue 'doing what they want', without guilt, or pain, or fear of judgment. Our culture says that we don't NEED Christ...that the 'story' isn't real, that it didn't really happen, and that all you need to do is think for and about yourself. Hmmm...'think about yourself'...reminds me of a couple who ate some fruit in a Garden, once. As Jesus was destroyed, so was our debt, our death. With His new life, you and I have a new chance...the chance for Eternal life.

What are you doing with that chance? Is your heart the tomb of Holy Saturday? Are you hiding the light of Christ within you? Is your heart like stone, not allowing Christ, Who is light and truth, to penetrate the stone? If so, what's holding you back? Move the stone. Break down the walls. Invite Christ to truly take control of your life.

I know it's scary...but it's not as scary as death, actual death. Remember, you and I ARE NOT beating death without Christ...and that's all there is to it.

"They found the stone rolled away from the tomb; but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus". - Luke 24:2-3

Open your tomb today, and if you need help moving the rock, ask for it.

Reflection on Good Friday

Ever heard the term 'excruciating pain'?

"They stripped off his clothes...weaving a crown out of thorns, they placed it on his head, and kneeling before him, they mocked him...They spat upon him...and kept striking him on the head...and then led him off to crucify him". - Matthew 27:28-31

Ever heard the term 'excruciating pain'? Do you know where it comes from? The word actually had to be invented...they couldn't find a word to describe a pain as intense as a crucifixion, so a 'new word' was created...the word EXCRUCIATING, literally means, 'out of the cross'.

In today's society, it's not popular to tell the truth. Talking about what 'REALLY' happened on that hill 2000 years ago, makes people uncomfortable. That's NOT what Jesus would want. He didn't go through what He went have it sugar-coated. What REALLY happened? If you can take it, read on...because Good Friday isn't about what's 'comfortable'. You don't HAVE to, but it couldn't hurt...not like it hurt Him.

He was so overcome with stress and anxiety that He SWEAT's called hematidrosis, chemicals break down the capillaries in the sweat glands, releasing blood...ever been THAT stressed? He was stripped in public...can you imagine the humiliation? He was whipped and beaten... each whip, made of braided leather with metal balls and hooks woven into each strap, imbed in and tear the least 39 times from each soldier. Thorns were placed upon His head, piercing His scalp...ever cut your head? He was struck on the head by a heavy reed, several times... He was suffering from intense dehydration. His heart is racing to pump blood that isn't there. His blood pressure drops causing fainting and collapsing. His kidneys stop working, and His body cannot produce fluids...there's wasn't exactly a doctor around. His intense blood loss causes Him to go into 'Hypovolemic shock'...basically shutting His body down. His muscles and nerve endings exposed, every movement sends intense pain throughout His body, as He is strapped to a Cross probably weighed more than He did. His every movement, every jolt agitated and re-opened His wounds...on narrow city streets...He couldn't move an inch and not feel it. He had Nine-inch spikes driven through His wrists, piercing the Median nerves...take the pain of hitting your 'funny bone' and multiply it by a thousand. His arms were stretched at least six inches, dislocating both of His shoulders... Raised up by ropes, His flesh tears...words cannot express... His feet were nailed to the Cross beam...pain shoots throughout His body. He went into 'respiratory acidosis'...meaning carbon dioxide in the blood is dissolved as carbonic acid, and the acidity of the blood increases, leading to a very irregular, erratic heartbeat...death is very near. Fluid begins to gather around the heart in the membrane, called pericardial effusion. Around the lungs, plural effusion occurs, because of the sustained rapid heart rate...slowly destroying the entire internal system...His body shuts down.
Unable to lift Himself to breathe anymore, intensely de-hydrated, muscles failing, blood pressure falling...He breathes His last, handing over His Spirit, finishing Passover, and eventually suffocating, dying of asphyxiation. He dies. He has a lance (large sword) thrust through His side, piercing His lung...

For Jesus, it wasn't about His own needs or was about His Father's Will, and the needs of the many (you and me). For you, right now in your life, this week, WHO is it about? Is it about your will, your needs...or His?

If you answered that it's about 'you'...what would it take for you to 'change'? What else would God Himself...Jesus Christ...what else, beyond the Crucifixion would He need to endure, for you to put Him first?

If you answered that it's about 'Him'...what are you doing differently this weekend...this HOLY Weekend, to show Him that you appreciate what He did for make this weekend different?

"They stripped off his clothes...weaving a crown out of thorns, they placed it on his head, and kneeling before him, they mocked him...They spat upon him...and kept striking him on the head...and then led him off to crucify him". - Matthew 27:28-31

It's called the Passion, because that's HOW He loves you...passionately.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Is it illogical to believe in the Resurrection

"How can some among you say there is no resurrection? If Christ has not been raised, then empty is our preaching; empty, too is your faith. If Christ has not been raised than your faith is in vain; you are still in your sins." - (1 Corinthians 15:12-18)

Is it illogical to believe in the Resurrection?

St. Paul had to deal with a lot of "high minded", philosophical types in his day. Most were very prideful, long on academics but short on humility. Some people back then claimed that Jesus didn't really rise from the dead (as we celebrate this weekend). Rather than mince words, Paul gave it to them straight (in the verse up above). Many people will tell you that "based on human logic" the Resurrection makes no sense. The first thing we need to remember is that "human logic" is not omnipotence. God makes it very clear that "(His) ways are not our ways, nor are His thoughts our thoughts. As high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are my ways above your ways and my thoughts above your thoughts" (Is. 55:8-9). What is illogical is to think that "man" is the center of the universe. The truth is that Christianity is more logical than atheism or agnosticism. The second thing we should remind people is that any conversation about God is going to necessitate a degree of faith. If people are not willing to humbly admit that they don't have all the answers, the conversation will go nowhere. Truth will not be heard by a prideful mind. There is no room for God's truth in a soul so filled with self. So, let's remember that any conversation about the existence of God or the truth about Christ's resurrection necessitate a humble admission that "it is possible that God exists" and that "we are not God".

When it comes to Easter Sunday, however, and the glorious truth about the Resurrection, to say that there is no logical truth to this belief, is not only ignorant, it is absurd.

Here are fifteen very quick facts that point to the truth of the Resurrection. These are not exhaustive or highly detailed, they are quick points, historical truths, that further strengthen what humble hearted believers take on faith:

Number One - There was an empty Tomb - The founders of other "faiths" are buried in tombs or had their ashes sprinkled over foreign lands. Not Jesus. Modern "scholars" and directors can claim what they want on their cable specials. The truth is that the tomb was empty.

Number Two - The Tomb had a Roman seal Clay that was affixed to a rope (stretched across a rock) and to the tomb, itself - The Roman seal was pressed into the clay. Break the seal, you break the law, you break that law, you died.

Number Three - The Tomb had a Roman guard - The "guard" was at least four men, possibly more, of highly-trained soldiers. These soldiers were experts in torture and in combat, not easily frightened off by a band of fishermen and tax collectors. Had they fallen asleep or left their post they would have violated the law, resulting in their own execution.

Number Four - The Tomb had a stone - Most scholars put the weight of the stone at about 2 tons (4000 pounds), probably at least seven or eight feet high. This was definitely a "team lift" or "team roll", not movable by just one or two men.

Number Five - There were post-resurrection appearances - to many over a span of six weeks, He appeared to a variety of groups of various sizes in different locations. He appeared to over 500 at one point - a huge number to be an outright "fabrication". Not to mention, the people whom He appeared to didn't just "see" Him, but ate with Him, walked with Him, touched Him. Jesus even made breakfast (Jn 21:9).

Number Six - The martyrdom of witnesses offers proof - Would people leave their businesses, careers, homes and families, go to the ends of the earth, die horribly gruesome and painful deaths and forsake their previous "religious beliefs about salvation" all to protect a 'lie'? Not one of them, while being beheaded, fed to lions, boiled in oil, crucified upside down or burned alive 'changed their story'. Instead, they sang hymns of trust and praise, knowing that the Lord who defeated death would raise them up, too.

Number Seven - There is still a Church - If the resurrection was a lie it would have died off centuries ago. The Christian Church is the largest institution of any kind in the history of humanity. This Church began with the apostles following Pentecost, the year Christ rose. It has conquered empires, withstood attacks (inside and out) and grown in spite of the sinfulness of its members, because it was founded by Christ, Himself, and is guided and protected by the Holy Spirit.

Number Eight - Jesus prophesied that it was going to happen - Jesus told people that it was going to happen. It didn't "take Him by surprise". And He didn't just say "I'm going to be killed" (which others might have seen coming) but also that "I'm going to rise on the third day". Those details aren't ironic, coincidental or fortune-telling, they're called prophecy, and true prophecy comes from God, Himself.

Number Nine - It was prophesied in the Old Testament - It was foretold centuries before Christ, Himself, was born or lived it out. Hundreds of prophecies about the Messiah, what He would say, do, live like and how He would die - they were offered centuries apart by people God selected (who never met, by the way). Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zechariah, Hosea, Micah, just to name a few. They all pointed to Christ's death and resurrection hundreds of years before they occurred.

Number Ten - The day of worship changed - Following the resurrection, tens of thousands of Jews (almost overnight) abandoned the centuries old tradition of celebrating the Sabbath on the last day of the week and began worshipping on the first day of the week the day on which the Lord, the Christ, beat death sealing the new and final covenant with God.

Number Eleven - The practices of sacrifice changed - Jews were always taught (and taught their children - Deut. 6) that they needed to offer an animal sacrifice once a year, to atone for their sins. After the resurrection, the Jewish converts of the time, throngs of them, stopped offering animal sacrifices to God.

Number Twelve - It is unique among other world religions - No other religious leader of any consequence every actually claimed to be God, except Jesus. No other religious leader ever did the things Christ did. No other religious leader ever backed up their "religious voice" with resurrection. Confucius died, Lao-tse died, Buddha died, Mohammed died, Joseph Smith died. Christ rose from the dead.

Number Thirteen - The message is self-authenticating - This proof goes back to the original point, namely, that a humble heart is enlightened and illuminated by far more than logic or reason. A true believer doesn't need all the facts to believe in the resurrection, because the Holy Spirit reveals Christ to us, intimately and powerfully. St. Paul talks about this in 2 Corinthians 4. Blind and hardened hearts will never see God, not until they acknowledge that they are not Him.

Number Fourteen - The miraculous ending fits a miraculous lifeYou want logic? Christ healed the blind, the deaf and the dumb. He fed the masses, cured the lepers and forgave the sinners. He made the lame walk and brought others back to life. He multiplied food, walked on water and calmed storms with His mere voice. The miracle of Good Friday is that He didn't call on a miracle. He died. The miracle of Easter Sunday is that He rose from the dead, a miraculous end, to a miraculous life. What else should we expect?

Number Fifteen - (and the only answer we really need). Jesus is still the answer - The world cannot offer any cure for suffering. The world can ignore it, berate it, debate it, bomb it and medicate it, but there is no cure or point to suffering separated from Jesus Christ.

In Christ, our suffering has a point and it has worth. Apart from Christ, suffering is pointless and fruitless. There is no fountain of youth. There is no miracle drug. There is no cure for death except Jesus Christ.

What is illogical is to think that the God of life would not want us to live, eternally. The only reason to think the resurrection is illogical is if you believe this life is your only one. This email is not intended to begin debates or tear people apart. This is a very quick reminder to all of us Christians who might get too "logical" from time to time (myself included) that the resurrection is not illogical. That being said, all of us who do tend to be too logical might want to take a deep breath in meditative prayer this weekend and really lean back in to the beautiful truth and reality of the crucifixion and resurrection.

Brothers and Sisters, because of what happened in that Upper Room, on that Cross and in that Tomb 2000 years ago, we know God the Father intimately, we walk with Christ daily, and we are guided by the Holy Spirit eternally.That's the truth, and what a beautiful truth it is.

Today is Holy Thursday

What are the four most difficult words that we as Christians can say?"Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me; still, not my will but yours be done.' He was in such agony and he prayed so fervently that his sweat became like drops of blood falling on the ground."
Luke 22:42,44

What is God's will for you? Are you willing to drink from the cup He puts before you, or would you rather tell Him that you're not thirsty?
What are the four most difficult, humbling, frightening, challenging words that we as Christians can say? Do you give up? Alright, I'll give it to you...Thy will be done.

As many of you probably remember, today's verse was uttered by Jesus during his agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus is basically saying, "If there's anyway for Your will to be done, Father...any way for your plan of Salvation to take place without my having to go through such hardship or pain...can we look into it? What sets Jesus apart, though, is that He follows it up by reminding God of His faithfulness, basically saying, "above all else, God, let things happen according to YOUR will and Your wants and Your needs, not my own." After uttering these famous words, our Lord, your and my Savior, prays so hard that he sweats blood.

I don't know about you but I've never prayed so hard that I sweat blood...I've never even come close to a nosebleed. Jesus knew what loomed ahead of Him. He knew the betrayal and pain He would soon experience...yet, even when He was in total agony and was wondering if there was any other alternative to the torture and brutal death that awaited Him, He said those words, "...not my will but YOURS be done." That, my brothers and sisters, is FAITH.

I start a lot of prayers like today's verse, but I sure don't finish a lot of prayers like it. I have no problem saying, "God, if I could still be considered a good Catholic Christian and make you happy, but not do (insert sacrifice/struggle here)..." The truth? Although I say that I do, most of the time, I don't put God's will AHEAD of my own. Most of the time, God's will for me is hard or uncomfortable, and I really wish that my faith would be easy.

I don't know if you're like me, but my version of "thy will be done" sounds more like "can you make Your will match up with mine, God? Oh, and, could you do that tonight? I'm pretty busy, and I've got too much going on to have to keep asking You. Thanks." I'm too busy being a brat of God to stop and be His child.

If you and I had any guts, we'd pray every day that God's will be done in our lives. If we have the COURAGE to pray that AND mean it, we will have taken a HUGE step in our faith, and in spiritual maturity, today.

Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me; still, not my will but yours be done. He was in such agony and he prayed so fervently that his sweat became like drops of blood falling on the ground." -Luke 22:42,44

Are you willing to put His WILL ahead of your own will? I will if you will !!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

hmm! Looking Forward To Holy Week

Matt Maher once said that saints were not holy because they didn't sin, but saints were holy because they let God love them. It's holy week. So for the next six or seven days, just
LET GOD LOVE YOU. Just go to the chapel and sit there. Tell God, “I'm going to be here for the next thirty minutes, and I give you permission to love me.” Can't go the chapel? Go to bed thirty minutes early. Forget about worrying about school or work the next day. Just tell God that you give him permission to love you. Why wait until bedtime? Just close your eyes right now and say these words: “God, I give you permission to love me.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Forget Not His Benefits

Today's Scripture

“Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits…” (Psalm 103:2).

Today's Word

God has given us many benefits today! He’s given us so much to be thankful for. When you meditate on His goodness, faithfulness and blessings in your life, it will change you on the inside. When you focus on the fact that He saved you and set you free, the challenges and obstacles in your life will begin to fade away. Psalm 103 goes on to say that, “He crowns you with love and compassion and satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed.” No matter what you may be facing today, forget not His benefits! God wants to satisfy you with good things. If you need healing today, healing is a benefit. If you’ve made mistakes in your life, forgiveness is a benefit. If you feel tired and overwhelmed, strength is a benefit. As you turn your thoughts toward the Father today, He will strengthen and empower you to live as an over comer in every area of your life.

A Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, I humbly come to You today. Thank You for Your blessings and benefits in my life. I choose to focus on Your goodness and believe You have so much more in store for me. I honor You today in all I do. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Wow !!!!

This is from one of our teens that graduated from High School and is a freshman in College. He attended the weekend retreat with us this past weekend. Check out what he wrote. All I can say is WOW !!!! I love this kid.

" My heart was exploding with love for you all, and especially all of the high schoolers (and 8th graders). It truly was a piece of heaven (except heaven will be a bajillion times awesomer). It's funny how God works though, because at mass the very next day, he told me through Fr. Colum's homily about what He wants of me, and I believe of all of us whom he touched this weekend. Of course God wants us to be loved by Him, to experience His healing. It's hard for me to get along without constantly running to Daddy for healing. But remember that everyone who was healed in the Bible eventually got sick again and died (not horribly sick, just saying that our time will come). First, we have to remember that the spiritual healing is what is valuable, the grace and not so much the emotion. That awesome feeling is an amazing gift, I'll take it any day the Lord gives it. But as for those whom He healed, they went on to preach His message and sacrifice their lives for Him. God calls us to be healed and receive His love and sentiment, but Christ wants us to move beyond those sentiments and become co-redeemers in Him, to become one with Him on the cross for the salvation of the world. Don't get down when He calls us to that, remember to love Him right back and give Him a warm sentiment in His Most Sacred Heart from all that we strive to do for Him, even if we feel a little dry. Love you all"

Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!!

And This is why I love my Church Family

This was a letter written to me from our Youth Director - Moe you are such an inspiration in my life. I am honored that you were and continue to be such a close part of my life. You have witnessed my sorrows but at the same time been a HUGE part of my Joys. I love you more than you will ever know.

To The Most Truly Anointed Core Team of Youth Leaders that I have had the privilege to know!! I cannot express to you what your humble servant hood truly means in God's Kingdom...but I can speak His Words about the retreat, and know that they ARE Spirit and TRUTH..."Many, Oh Lord my God, are the wonders You have done. The things you planned for us, no one can recount to You; were I to speak and tell them, they would be too many to declare."(Psalm 40:5)

This next scripture--please substitute YOUR name for all the pronoun I's:

"I do not hide your righteousness in my heart. I speak of Your faithfulness and salvation. I do not conceal Your love and Your truth from the great assembly." (Psalm 40:10)

And finally, I paraphrase Gods word--Your light shined so brightly that our teens seeing, not you, but your good works, shall glorify, not you, but your Father in heaven."May we be so bound and united in our One Lord, One Savior and One Body that NOTHING can break those "cords"I love you, Moe

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Home From a Weekend Retreat

I am home from a very much needed weekend Retreat. I can't tell you how spiritually refreshed and rested I am. Not necessarily physically rested (but that's ok) what really matters is my spirit.
This year's weekend winter retreat at Campos San Jose's theme was Alpha Omega - (the beginning and the end), a common reference to God. It's focus is on time, as God is the beginning and end of all time. Our Core retreat planning team was composed of 16 incredible faithful servants and the rest were teens. (An incredible group of teens at that). I can't go into any details about what happened at retreat but what I can say is that our Jesus is a miracle worker, a healer and a merciful God. I shed soooooo many tears, laughed my butt off and sang praise and worship songs until I was blue in the face. We partied, danced and had mass, we had devotional times and ate food like crazy. We participated in Greek outdoor games and I can go on and on and on but you all get it. The bottom line is that we had an incredible time and the Lord revealed his grace and his mystery upon each and every person there. It was just unbelieveable!!!

This retreat allowed the teens to discover how God' time and our time are connected through the liturgical year. They have a better understanding of the church and the totallity of the Catholic journey as presented through the Liturgucal Year. Through the liturgical cycle, this retreat helped the teens encounter a timeless and eternal God who loves them in the present moment.

We stand by this saying "Either we live the liturgical year with it's varying seasons of joy and sorrow, work and rest, or we follow the patterns of the world" .

The Liturgical Year:

Advent (the goal of this session was to have the teens learn the importance of preparation. They understood that advent helps us prepare for the threefold coming of Christ (and not just his birth).

Christmas (the goal of this session was to show the teens that Christ's birth was not only an important event 2000 years ago, but just as important today in their lives. This session also allowed the teens to understand that we are called to make Christ known to the world (Mark 15:16) and that surrender and humility are necessary in order to do this.

Lent - we are actually in Lent right not (This session was to emphasize that Lent is about Growth, not just about giving up something but also about doing something. Sin is a reality but God's forgiveness is alot more powerful. Repentance is a twofold process: turning away from sin and toward grace . This session would concentrate on that there could be no resurrection without the cross. (In this session we did the 14 stations of the cross outdoors and then we had reconciliation, which was awesome).

Then we had Easter (this session gave the teens the opportunity to claim victory over death and sin won for them through the resurrection. It helped the teens understand that Easter is the feast above all feast in the Liturgical Year. Everything we are as Christians hinges on Easter. It also helped the teens experience the power of the Risen Christ through adoration as well as the power of the Holy Spirit.

And then we ended the weekend with Ordinary Time: (this session was to show the teens the splendor in the ordinary. Ordinary time does not mean boring or unimportant. The teens will think of Ordinary Time as an opportunity to strengthen their faith and work on fulfilling their specific vocation. They will come to appreciate the ordinary things and rituals they experience week after week because they will learn the meaning behind them. The ordinary will become mysterious and splendid.

and that pretty much summed up the retreat. I will post pictures of our retreat on my next blog. Hope you all learned something interesting, I know I did !!!! Blessings.