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Caring for an orphan is at the very heart of God. It is about being a part of his plan by being obedient to him. So with great joy we are honored to be a part of of his great plan. So please join us as our Lord and Savior leads us into the arms of our precious daughter Isabella.

Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Monday, May 07, 2007

My First Dream with Isabella

Well I may not be as gifted as my sister when it comes to her dreams (for those of you that don't know my sister is Ohilda) the mommy of Kai, Aj, Amanda, Adam, and Tito. Last night or maybe even this morning, I had my first dream of our baby "Isabella".

The dream was so vivid and clear and I shared the dream with my sister and she said that I should blog about it because these dates can be very meaningful in the future.

Well the dream was that YES !!!!! WE FINALLY RECEIVED OUR REFERRAL !!!!!!! WHOHOOO - WERE GOING TO CHINA. Okay so it was only a dream, but man It felt good saying that. Let me tell you what happened.

In my dream, I received in the mail our referral package. I was desperate to open up the package and see her picture. I could hardly contain myself. Our Isabella had fair white skin and she was almost a baldy, she was wearing a white dress with purple flowers and she was sitting down, she looked like a chunky little baby. She looked like she may have been anywhere from 8-10mths old and she looked very Chinese. In my dream as I was holding her picture, I began to cry, I could not believe that I had a face to match our daughter. She was a complete doll. The dream was so vivid that I even read her Chinese name on our documents, the name read something like " Shx Shx Ling" I don't know what that name means but if any of you care to do research and send me a comment of what you find that would be really cool.

After speaking to my sister, I realized that my Grandmother and Grandpa's wedding anniversary was May 6th. Could this dream be also a blessing from my grandparent's. I don't know but the dates sure speak that. Could this be this day be the date that our Isabella was born. Don't know that either but it sure speaks that at the moment.

Anyways, thank you for hearing me ramble. I must get my day started. Have a blessed day and may the peace of the Lord be with you today and always,.


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