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Caring for an orphan is at the very heart of God. It is about being a part of his plan by being obedient to him. So with great joy we are honored to be a part of of his great plan. So please join us as our Lord and Savior leads us into the arms of our precious daughter Isabella.

Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Honoring Fr. Hugh

Deb and Walt - My Best friends EVER !!!!!

Tonight a bunch of my church family and ourselves went out to dinner to honor Fr. Hugh in his 10 yrs of being an ordained priest. We had alot of fun celebrating with him and not to mention a delicious Italian dinner.

The most amazing thing happen though. We had carpooled to the restuarant and on our way back home, we stopped at the church to drop off Fr. Hugh along with a few other people. Close to the church there is this main street called Estero Parkway. Well apparently, last night Friday - a senior out of Estero Senior High School was killed in a motorcycle accident. Upon approaching the church at 11:30pm tonight, we saw there was about 5 high school kids at the sight were this other high school student was killed. Our friends that were in our car felt convicted to go and pray with them. We then dropped off Fr. Hugh at church, and as the spirit led us to go back to the sight were these high school students were at, mourning for their friend that was killed last night in a motorcycle accident. There we were 4 individuals praying over 5 high school kids (whom we did not know) at 11:30 at night and praying for a soul that was taken up to heaven 24 hrs prior. Man - I can't tell you enough how cool it is to be a Christian, to be a part of God's Army. To be called to do his work, here on earth. The Lord says he does not call the equip, he equips the called. It was a honor for me to be a part of a team, that was so willing to say YES, as we prayed for these strangers, that are in complete need of healing at this time. There we were, 4 strangers hugging and praying for 5 kids we did not know. It totally became holy ground for us, the kids began to cry and to talk out loud for their dear friend that was lost.,
Thank you Lord for using us once again as your prayer warriors. We could have been the only JESUS that they may have ever known.
Thank you again for continuing to ruin my life and ruin my plans.
I received an email from someone forwarding me this link of,0,3408023.story a story of two more teenagers that were killed in a car accident in Long Island. People - LIFE is a fragile gift, please talk to your children and allow them to hear and read about these stories. Blessings to all of you. BE GOD's always.


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