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Caring for an orphan is at the very heart of God. It is about being a part of his plan by being obedient to him. So with great joy we are honored to be a part of of his great plan. So please join us as our Lord and Savior leads us into the arms of our precious daughter Isabella.

Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Friday, April 13, 2007

How much does HE have to do for you to trust him ?

What could God do to get you to trust Him?

“Those passing by reviled him, shaking their heads. The revolutionaries who were crucified with him also kept abusing him in the same way.” – Matthew 27:39,

What would it take for you to change your entire life in one afternoon?What would God need to do for you to trust Him COMPLETELY?

Sometimes going “deeper” in our faith just requires looking at and watching things a little more CLOSELY. Over the years I got so used to the fact that one of the criminals was “the good thief” and the other “the bad” that I missed (or had forgotten) that when the actual crucifixion began, BOTH the criminals were mocking our Lord. How close are you to the cross? Then, as the hours wore on under the darkening skies that afternoon, another (often overlooked) miracle takes place in the midst of the torture…even in the final hours, even in almost breathless agony, another sinner’s heart is turned to our Lord. WHY this transformation? WHY the change in behavior? What was it that allowed this criminal’s heart to open, his anger to subside and his attitude to change? What “clicked”? Well, we know that the thieves were two of the people closest (in proximity) to Jesus, alongside the soldiers gambling for His clothes, the centurion, some of His persecutors, the women and a few others. It must have been mind-boggling for the thief to witness anyone so forgiving, so loving, so trusting in God at such a horrific and painful moment. It was that observance, from watching Jesus SO CLOSELY that offered the thief the confidence and humility to approach the Lord in forgiveness.

Have you ever had a personal experience of Christ like that, perhaps in His forgiveness of you? Do you remember it? Can you see Jesus THAT closely this day? Many days, I can’t or should I say, “I don’t”. How close are you to the cross? I know, it’s seems like a weird question at first, but ask yourself, “How close am I to the cross?” Have you really thought about it? Have you ever REALLY meditated upon what happened on that hill that day? Have you ever closed your eyes, pictured God’s face, and saw Him look into your eyes? Have you heard the love in His voice for those who are destroying Him? Have you heard Him call YOU by name? Have you heard Him forgive you? Do you hear Him promising you that you will not die? Can you hear Him inviting you to live forever?

It took trust on the criminal’s part, far more (in my opinion) than it should take on my part. Why do I sometimes act as though Jesus won’t respond to me with what I need…or even OUTDO what I am asking Him for, giving me even more than I requested.

Just pause and reflect; Jesus is ALWAYS quick to act when someone is in need.Think back to the woman at the well, Peter drowning in the sea, the Centurion’s servant, Jairus’ daughter, Peter’s mother-in-law, the lepers, the blind man, the woman with the hemorrhage, the demoniacs, the woman caught in adultery, Lazarus in the grave, the High Priest’s servant in the garden, the list goes on and on and on. Not only that, but Jesus goes BEYOND what we ask for, He is never outdone in generosity.

We said, “Forgive us” and He said, “I’ll do even better, I’ll adopt you”.
We said, “We’re lowly” and He said, “The lowly will be exalted”.
We said, “How do we approach God” and He said, “Not as foreign ruler but as Abba”.
We said, “Teach us how to pray” and He gave us the Our Father.
We said, “We’re hungry” and He fed us…He still does in the Eucharist.
We said, “Show us how to live” and He said, “First you must die”.
We said, “We don’t want to die” and He opened the door to eternal life.
We said, “What is love” and He said, “Watch closely” and mounted the cross.

The thief was not the only person touched or transformed by his proximity to Christ on the cross…others were that day too and every single day since then – for almost 2000 years.This day, look into His eyes, listen to His voice, and experience how much He loves you … but be sure to WATCH CLOSELY.


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