Caring for an orphan is at the very heart of God. It is about being a part of his plan by being obedient to him. So with great joy we are honored to be a part of of his great plan. So please join us as our Lord and Savior leads us into the arms of our precious daughter Isabella.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Convenant of Peace
Today's Scripture
“And I will make with them a covenant of peace…” (Ezekiel 34:25).
Today's Word
Aren’t you glad we serve a God of peace? No matter what you may be facing in life, God is with you. You don’t ever have to feel anxious, worried, or upset because you have a covenant of peace with Almighty God. God is always faithful to His Word, and you can have confidence that His peace is always available to you. The Bible tells us that God’s peace passes understanding. That means you can have peace when it doesn’t make sense to have peace. When the rest of the world seems to be upset or fretting, you don’t have to be upset. When gas prices go up, you can be at peace knowing that God has promised to supply all your needs according to His riches in glory. When the housing market seems unstable, you can trust that God is your refuge, and He will cause you to dwell in safety. He’ll make a way where there seems to be no way. Begin to thank God for His peace and faithfulness in your life. Declare that the peace of God rules in your heart and mind. As you dwell on God’s promises, your heart will be at rest, and you’ll experience the blessing of His peace all the days of your life.
A Prayer for Today
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your covenant of peace. I receive it by faith today. I choose to keep my heart and mind fixed on You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I came across this article and found so much truth in it, especially when my family and I went through the loss of Baby Emmanuel. The presence of our Lord Jesus was more evident and stronger than it has ever been in my entire life. Also, the presence of Mother Mary ---- more evident than I have ever felt in my life. It's in those darkest moments of our life that Jesus is there to hold and permeate his awesome peace throught the depths of our soul.
Hebrews 12:1-2 .. . . Let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith. As a pastor, I spend more time than the average person with people who are in the valley of the shadow of death. My phone rings in the middle of the night and we go to help people in their darkest place, and their hardest time, and their most difficult circumstance. Some people scoff at Christians in this valley. They erroneously think that faith in God is a fantastic thing until you go through your hardest thing. Then faith falls apart. Where was God? Why did He allow this? Why didn’t He do something? Isn’t that what Christians think, too? Wrong! I’ve stood countless times beside believers who were going through their darkest valley and let me tell you, never had their faith shone brighter. I’m talking about intense faith in the Lord in their most desperate, devastating valleys. Perhaps you read this and wonder, could I go through that myself? The answer of course is, no, you can’t-but God will be there with you. He will help you. He will guide you through that circumstance. You don’t have to fear or wonder or worry about your strength-God will sustain you. Just ask any mature, faithful follower of God. There’s something about seeing the faithfulness of God through the seasons of life that drills your faith deep down in your soul. You don’t question that God will show up-you know He will. You don’t worry that His required course will end well-you know all about the blessings of a long obedience in the same direction. You’ve seen Him work and You trust Him over the long haul. At the end of her life, Henrietta Mears, the gifted Christian educator and mentor to Billy Graham and Bill Bright, was asked the question, “If you had your life to live over again, what would you have done differently?” Her response, “When things looked darkest, I would have trusted God quicker.”
I copied this off of my sister's blog and thought I give it a try. Check out my thoughts.
I am: blessed to have another wedding anniversary pass us by (15 years of marriage) I think: that no matter how many times we fall short of God's Glory - he is there to love us and pick us up. I believe: that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior I want: to see my children productive and successful as adults. I hate: snakes and lies. I miss: our Baby Emmanuel who is bouncing around with Jesus and also my abuela fefa & pipo I feel: blessed because of all the family and friends that I have. I hear: The Holy Spirit speak to me when I quiet my heart. I smell: Popo's potaje that she makes baby Seth I crave: Recee's Peanut Butter Cups (Ymmm) I search: For God’s purpose in my life. I regret: having an abortion many many years ago I love: My God, and then my family with every fiber of my being. I ache: to be able to hold baby Emmanuel for just one time. I care: for all humanity that does not have anyone to care for them. I am not: good at drawing. I believe: that Jesus Christ lives in everyone's heart. I sing: Shout to the Lord to Seth before he takes a nap. I cry: when I see or think about someone suffering. I fight: for justice ( I can't stand to see injustice's taking place in front of me) I win: when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord & Savior. I lose: when I give in to Satan's manifestations of SIN. I never: want to imagine my life without JESUS I listen: to the advice that others give me I can usually be found: with baby Seth I am scared: of snakes I need: to spend more time reading scriptures I am happy about: All the countless blessings that bestow our family, My parents, sister, brother, nieces, nephews, cousins, in-laws and wonderful friends, health and happiness.
I tag anyone who wishes to do this, just let me know so I could go to your blog and check it out!
“For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34).
Today's Word
Have you said something recently that you wish you hadn’t? The Bible says that your words reveal what’s going on inside of you. If you go around speaking negative words of defeat, putting others down, and complaining all the time, it’s a sign that you need to refocus your heart and mind. It’s a sign that your “overflow” is polluted. Our bodies work a lot like a computer. What you put on the hard drive of your heart will show up on the monitor of your mouth. The good news is that you can reprogram your mind the same way you can reprogram a computer. The Bible says that our minds are renewed—or reprogrammed—by the Word of God. The more you read and study His Word, the more it will transform you from the inside out. Start today by asking the Lord to reveal anything in your heart that needs changing. Make Him first place in your life. Fill your heart with the good treasure of God’s Word so that blessings come out of your mouth. Let the overflow of your heart be filled with faith and expectancy, and you’ll see God’s hand of blessing in every area of your life.
A Prayer for Today
Father in heaven, I humbly come before You and ask that You cleanse my heart and mind of anything that isn’t pleasing to You. Fill me with Your faith, peace, joy, and love so that I can overflow with Your goodness today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
So here is a video of a young man that is totally In Love with our Lord Jesus Christ. How people live life without him is beyond me. I'm just so grateful that I am on HIS side. Thank You Jesus for having such awesome servants and angel here on earth to remind of your love and goodness.