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Caring for an orphan is at the very heart of God. It is about being a part of his plan by being obedient to him. So with great joy we are honored to be a part of of his great plan. So please join us as our Lord and Savior leads us into the arms of our precious daughter Isabella.

Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Sunday, July 01, 2007


I am going to blog alittle about my personal day today. There are landmark experiences in your relationship with God that stand out. They are called "Ebenezers". And I remember times when my moments with God were real and often, and I long for those times to be revisited.

For the past couple of weeks, I've been feeling not at peace. I know where my walk with God has been and I also know where it is right now, and I also know why I was not living with peace in my heart until today. It's because, I have unfortunately been living in the flesh and not in the spirit and for some people that might be ok but for me, when I begin to get so wrapped up in my own kingdom (sort of speak) and I leave the kingdom of God behind, my whole world becomes unmanagable. Honestly, you all may think that I am out of whack, but this is the God honest truth. Some people can just function fine with just going to church on Sundays or maybe not going to church but talking to God occasionally and that's enough, but when it comes to me and my spiritualality, if I begin to fall short and become complacent in my walk, my life begins to crumble.

Where am I going with this ? Well - I have so not been obedient in my walk for a while and I have just begun to distant myself, consciously or unconsciously, this is what I have done. Well today, our family did or usual Sunday thing and went to Church this morning and OMG, did the Lord speak to me today ? The Lord as faithful and promising as he always is opened my eyes and my heart to see the light again. I have been swimming in the dark for a while and the SON has risen !!!! Let me share:

Validation. Everybody wants it, everybody craves it, everybody needs it. Adam and Eve had perfect communion or friendships with God, face to face and not tainted by insecurities or selfish misgivings. Full validation was there and they probably didn't even know it because they were never lacking it.

When we chose to go our own way (which is what I was doing), we search for validation elsewhere and in everything we do. In every aspect of our lives - family, friends, school, work, sports. People need to feel appreciated, accepted, admired, and even adored. But most of all - validated.

For example - this very blog site that I am typing in - I can't tell you how many times, I blog and then come back and check to see if anyone left me a comment of some sort, hoping that the person reading this would be so overwhelmed with adulation that they wouldn't be able to resist but to sent me a comment with rave reviews, you know why because I just realized that I am seeking validation which is the reason why I'm even writing this blog in the first place.

The fact is that God does value us .... He created us, loves us, sent his only son to save us, and he is building a mansion for me, for the day that I transfer out of this life. But the truth is that the noise of our lives and our misguided attempts to find validation elsewhere often deafen us from hearing his words of affirmation.

When God chose to speak to Elijah, he didn't speak through the noise of the storm or the earthquake. He spoke in the calm of the storm, the still, the quiet. It is only when I get away from the noise, the traffic, the schedule, the distractions, music and books that I can hear clearly the still, small voice of the active HUGE GOD, and I can see alittle more clearly who he is, and I can sense more deeply his unfailing love and mercy.

God has validated me today, not that I deserve it, but that's why my brothers and sisters, it's called the good news. I don't deserve his grace, but he gives it and in the stillness of my heart, he validates me.

May the peace of the Lord be with you !!!!


At 7:21 AM, Blogger Ohilda said...

I give you great reviews! I very much needed to read your blog and do so almost daily. Thank you for sharing God's word. Although people don't "comment" at times, I have learned from experience that MANY times, God's words reaches their hearts. That's all that matters.

Your faith is inspiring.

Much love!


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