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Caring for an orphan is at the very heart of God. It is about being a part of his plan by being obedient to him. So with great joy we are honored to be a part of of his great plan. So please join us as our Lord and Savior leads us into the arms of our precious daughter Isabella.

Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Letting go of our couches

Holding tightly to the couch, the child cautiously took a few initial steps. Her father cheerfully coaxed her forward. Finally, with eyes riveted on her father, she let go and tottered to him. falling happily into his arms. Everyone erupted with applause. Looking into her father's eyes, the little girl trusted and let go.

Just like the little girl, we often (yes you and me) hold tightly to our couches. Grasping them, we feel secure and safe. Letting go is filled with too many unknowns.

What if I fall?
What if I can't make it?
What if I get hurt?

We find it difficult to see our father's outstreched arms of his loving eyes's. We simply want to take hold of our security couch until the "danger" disappears.

St. Francis De Sales in describing our hesitancy once wrote to his friend, St. Jane de Chantal:

"Go straight on, and always walk in God's sight. God takes pleasure in seeing you make your little steps, and like a good Father who holds his child by the hand, He will conform His steps to yours and will be quite happy not to go any faster than you".

Please consider the following as you read this:

- what couches do we cling to?
- what are it's colors and designs?
- Is it fear that hinders a needed decision?
- Do we hesitate saying what needs to be said?
- Are we too comfortable where we are to make needed changes?

The bottom line is this: To let go, we need to trust that God will conform his steps to ours. God won't go any faster than we can travel, and to believe this allows us to let go of the recognizable and explore the unfamiliar. This crossing into unknown boundaries begins another conversation moment on our journey.

If we are anxious about the way things will turn out or the time it will take, try and reflect on this: "What are you anxious about? Whether you are taking this road or that other way; going fast or slow? All that matters is that HE is with you and that you are with HIM. Therefore, when we face the sudden loss of a spouse or a chronic illness.

God says, "Look me straight in the eyes, and reach for my outstreched hands. I'm right here. Let go !!!!

Our trust in HIM sees with the eyes of faith and realizes that we are loved , important to GOD and above all still pursued by GOD.

St Francis de Sales reminds us that letting go of the dependable couch is not an act of passive surrender, but a free choice of accepting and trusting in God's promise of constant care and love.

Below I will leave you with the St. Francis de Sales great prayer of trust:

"Do not worry about what may happen tommorrow; the same loving father who takes care of you today, will take care of you tommorrow and every day. Either HE will shield you from suffering or HE will give you unfailing strength to bear it (I've been there done that - with the loss of our child - Baby Emmanuel), what happens, be at peace, then and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations"

God bless you all !!!!


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