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Caring for an orphan is at the very heart of God. It is about being a part of his plan by being obedient to him. So with great joy we are honored to be a part of of his great plan. So please join us as our Lord and Savior leads us into the arms of our precious daughter Isabella.

Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Friday, March 30, 2007

The Lord continues to speak to me

I just wanted to give an update of what has been happening in the past month or so in our neck of the woods. The Lord has been putting in my heart for sometime now the desire and call to work with teenage girls facing pregnancy crisis situations. After much prayer and discernment, the Lord has opened up the opportunities for me to work with an agency called “LifeLine”.
I have attached a link to their website, so you can visit and see for yourself what it’s all about.

I am happy to say that I have completed a two part orientation session in the beginning of the month and this week I completed a 20 hr training course for TPCS: (Teenage Pregnancy Crisis Situations). Life Line will be eventually setting up, what they call “Outpost Centers” thru out the community to allow telephone and walk-ins to take place and the people that are trained to do this type of work will be running these outpost centers 3x a week or more.

I want to thank the good Lord for moving my heart to say YES to this call of ministry and I want to give him all the Glory and Honor to be able to work for him. As I mentioned to some people last night., If I can lay my head down to rest at night knowing that I have served the Lord to the best of my ability that day - than I can close my eyes and have a good night’s rest but if not I need to ask the Lord to reveal to me where I have fallen short with him in this day and make it better tomorrow.

Thank you Lord for such an adventurous journey. There is never a dull moment in my life, while I work for the Lord. I am honored that he has in trusted me with such a vital type of ministry.
For now, I will ask that you keep me and this ministry in your prayers. I will post as time passes on, what else develops from this. I will leave you with the mission statement of Life Line and their vision as well. Peace.

MISSION STATEMENT : Lifeline Family Center offers a positive alternative to abortion, giving both mother and baby hope for the future.

VISION: Lifeline Family Center is a home dedicated to saving the unborn, and providing young women in unplanned pregnancies with a comprehensive educational program in a safe secure Christian home. Our goal is to enable them to redirect their lives and become self-supporting within two years after the birth of their child. We are unique in that we are not only concerned with saving a baby from abortion, but also with saving the child from a life of poverty and neglect. We care as much about the mother as we do the child, and our program addresses the needs of both. A young woman coming to Lifeline Family Center is given the gift of hope by providing her a home, scholarship opportunities and care for her child while she pursues an education for a career. This allows her to become self-supporting. It is our hope to introduce her to, or reacquaint her, with the unconditional love of Jesus Christ.
Lifeline Family Center provides services without the assistance of governmental agencies. We strive to operate according to biblical principles in providing the highest standards of life and education for our residents. We have a parenting educational curriculum to provide assistance to teenage parents and their families.


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